Thursday, September 8, 2022

Post #1 : My Top Sources of News and Information

What is a source? Well, the official definition is “a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained.” In all honesty, a source is as simple as any place where you receive information. Nowadays, sources are more accessible, although they may not always be as reliable due to the presence of social media within our daily lives. Sources range from physical paper to the scroll of an iphone.  

The most frequent source that I obtain information on has to be the app Tik Tok.  Whether it is involving updates on influencers or current events, there is a video for nearly everything that is currently trending. Although the information within the app is definitely not always reliable, it is fairly easy to filter through false information. Personally, I believe I am more educated on current social issues from the rapid flow of new videos within the Tik Tok feed. I would most definitely recommend the app to my peers, but they should not rely on Tik Tok as a verified source.

A second source that I avidly use is The Washington Post,which is a daily newspaper. I am subscribed to the newspaper on my phone, which allows direct access as soon as it is published.  I also receive notifications right on my phone when the daily news or other articles are posted. The Washington Post is a reliable source,which remains fairly neutral and without bias on social issues. I never found myself to be one to read news articles until I found the ability to access newspapers directly on my phone. Now, I find myself checking The Washington Post at least once a day and would highly recommend others to read it. 

Another digital source that continues to become more and more popular is Twitter. Twitter allows politicians to directly make statements in the form of a tweet. Each of their accounts are verified, which allows users to know that it is actually that person. News outlets also utilize Twitter to make short tweets about breaking news or other highlights. Although Twitter contains all of these great features, there can also be “fake news” or misleading information found throughout the app. As long as you pay attention to verified accounts, Twitter can be a great source for discovering current information.

Now I am not sure what you were told in high school, but I was told that you should not use Wikipedia. In all honesty, the second I graduated and moved on to a higher level of education, I began to utilize Wikipedia. Wikipedia has helped me in all different aspects of studying, whether it is to understand a term, learn a Spanish concept, or write a paper. Wikipedia is one of the most comprehensive sources that appears on most search engines. 

The last source that I would recommend is the Federal Register. Yes, I know that this may not be considered the most interesting source for some, but it has to be one of the most interesting sources I have come across.  The Federal Register is run by the government, and it contains all of the current laws and regulations.  It is completely up to date and is changed every time a new regulation is altered. My dad was the one who introduced me to this source, for he works in the fishery industry and is constantly affected by the regulations in fisheries. He uses the Federal Register to check these constantly changing laws. The reason the Federal Register is such a great source is because I am planning on attending Law school after my undergraduate studies. I would recommend this source anytime you are searching for accurate information regarding legal issues or government policy or regulations. 

At the end of the day, we encounter sources everyday, whether it be through a professor, peer, the news, or social media. We are continuously fed new information, whether it is accurate or not. There are endless sources in our present reality. We just must filter them to advance our search for knowledge.  

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