Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Blog #6 : Each One Teach One

 This week during my class, our professor assigned us a EOTO, which stands for Each One Teach One. Essentially, we each were assigned an essential communication tool and taught the class a little about its use and its history. I thoroughly enjoyed the research I conducted, for I learned so much I would have never known my topic, which was the world wide web. Yet little did I know how much I would take away from my classmates' research as well.

One of the presentations I found the most interesting was on the typewriter. The typewriter stopped being used by the time I was born, but it was commonly used while my grandparents were growing up. Before the typewriter was invented, it could take months or years to be able to write books or newspapers. The typewriter was a revolutionary piece of technology, and thus giving a new level of accessibility in publishing. The first typewriter was produced in 1867, and yet it did not look like the typewriter we all picture within our heads. This first prototype was actually called the Hansen Writing Ball. It was shaped as a sphere, and was originally created in mind for the blind to utilize. It was not very popular, and only a few were sold before the classic typewriter came into the picture. 

The second most interesting presentation I listened to was the one on drones. I have never personally used one, but I actually have quite frequently seen them flying overhead, whether it be a concert or graduation or any type of event. Drones are typically used to capture photographs and video footage. Yet, little did I know that prior to the creation of drones, helicopters and airplanes were used to capture that same footage. Drones were created because they were smaller and less expensive. One interesting facet of the presentation was a news story where a drone was able to capture footage of the destruction within Ukraine. This would have never been possible if not for the creation of drones. It allows for footage to be taken in places and from heights that humans could not possibly reach. 

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